Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beginning my C25k program

So how many times have you started something with the best of intentions only to not follow through?  If you are like me then you've started many, many things and just lost steam/interest/energy/time to complete it.  Well folks here we go again.

I've decided to start the Cool Running Couch to 5k (also known as C25k) program again.  I've successfully completed this program in the past and for one reason or another got off track from running consistently. 

So as many of you know I have an iPhone 3Gs and they have a C25k app!  :)  Well butter my buns and call me a biscuit!  I was pretty excited about it.  All you have to do is download the app, start your iPod feature on your iPhone and click on the app, slide the bar and it starts your workout.  Pretty cool, huh?!  There's a little bell that dings and lets you know when to walk and when to run.  Couldn't be easier!!

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Notice in the bottom right corner - you'll see my C25k app!  :)

Now the reasons for beginning my running program again range from obvious health reasons to just the plain fact that I enjoy running.

So here I am about to start my program - Day 1 began on 8.18.09. Don't I look all motivated and excited? 


Here's me AFTER my first workout.  Yeah, I look a little sweaty and hot but I had fun. 


As you'll surely notice I'm wearing a U.S. Air Force Mom shirt that my son bought me while he was in basic.  It's a little....shall we say....snug?  So the goal is to lose weight, get in shape and then the shirt will fit better, right? 

I hope you'll follow me as I start my running journey.....

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