Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Reese's Puffs DJ Name Mixer

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So I eat Reese's Puffs cereal and on the back was the info on how to get my DJ Name Mixer which was an opportunity I just could not pass up.  There are actually two ways to create your own DJ name:

1.  Take the street you grew up on and the name of your first pet, then change all the "i's" to "y's"!

2.  Take the name of your favorite movie or Superhero villain, then add the first letter of your middle name!

So Option 1 for me resulted in this name:


Kyle Cyrcle Fonzye

Say whaaattt????  On to option 2.

Option 2:  I couldn't think of my favorite villain or Superhero.  I kept think of Cruella Deville but that really isn't my favorite.  It's just all I could think of.  I am not sure how awesome my Option 1 name is but that's all I've got to work with.  So from now on please refer to me as Kyle Cyrcle Fonzye otherwise I may not answer.

They (and by they I mean the folks at Reese's Puffs Cereal) also offered me a chance to make "My Reese's Puffs Rap" and of course I had to do that as well.  Feel free to add a bebop beat behind these amazing lyrics.

That peanut butter chocolate I must possess

Is the combo that I savor that I will address

Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs, in your bowl, in your bowl!

Recognize the taste that I craver

Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs

Wow peanut butter chocolate flavor

So crucial to my chomping vernacular

That peanut butter hookup is oh so spectacular

Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs

My Reese's Puffs are l-l-lyrical

Each peanut butter orb is oh so spherical

Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs, in your bowl, in your bowl!

But WAIT!!  There's more...

I then used my online code to unlock some AMAZING stuff!

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After I went to reesespuffs.com and entered in my now not so secret code I received the following message:


You just unlocked THE MOTORCYCLE DANCE AND THE GUITAR LEG FLAIR MOVE.  This means you are one of the few who can do these special

Close X

So I think there was supposed to be more to the message but that's all I got. So this is DJ Kyle Cyrcle Fonzye signing off until next time!

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