Thursday, November 18, 2010

Salt Lick BBQ

So our little dinner adventure began with us in our car following the GPS directions fueled by our high hopes and hungry tummies. 

I love the name of the road we had to turn on....Nutty Brown Road.


We actually almost missed the entrance.


Since we arrived early in the afternoon (around 3:30) there was not a wait.  We were seated at this HUGE picnic style table with bench seats.  For two people this felt too large so we opted to sit on the same side.  Plus it's more romantic that way. <3


Interesting note: at the Driftwood location it's CASH only and they do not serve alcohol, it's BYOB.  We didn't know that so I ordered a coke (no ice of course) and M ordered some tea with his sugar.


Here's the story behind Salt Lick BBQ.


I know you can't read it but you can click on this link to find out more.

A view from inside.


I opted for the chopped beef bbq sandwich and M chose the beef brisket, pork ribs and sausage plate.  It came with potato salad, coleslaw and beans. 

Here's a pic of mine.  The pics I took of M's didn't turn out.  It's just as well.  I thought mine was fine but definitely not the best I had ever had.  M thought the beef was a bit on the tough side and was too chewy.  I think we would have been more disappointed had we had to wait a long time to eat there.  It just wasn't awesome and after hearing my brother rave about it and when we had also seen it on Man vs Food we kind of had our hopes up that it was going to be AWESOME and sadly it was not. 



The artwork on the wall near where we sat.


Of course I visited the restroom. 


The two things that concerned me was the close proximity of the plunger and the excessive rolls of toilet paper.  Apparently both are needed? 

There is no delicate way to segue to dessert so let's just go there.


I chose pecan pie and it was fine.  M chose the peach cobbler and it was the highlight of the meal because he thought it was really good. 

Accolades the restaurant has received.


There are some people that apparently liked it better than we did.


  1. You know I can't read the story? What about this! BAM! (disregard errors as I was typing in a hurry)

    In the 60's, Thurman Roberts traveled constantly across Texas working for a bridge construction company. He dreamed of spending every day where his family had put down generations of roots in Driftwood. One day he and his wife, Hisako, took out a yellow legal pad and wrote down 54 things the family could do to stay in Driftwood. The idea for The Salt Lick was 14th on the list. So in 1967, Thurman, known for his delicious bar-b-que at family reuinions, decided he would cook meat for paying customers. Thurman and his son Scott (The Salt Lick's current owner)built a huge bar-b-que pit. Thurman would go to the pit on Thursday night and start cooking. He stayed for the weekend, sleeping on a cot, until all the meat sold. He kept coming home earlier and earlier. After a few months, Thurman and Scott built a little screen porche around the pit. The Salt Lick has grown from there. The Roberts family now serves mouth-watering bar-b-que to thousdands of folks each week. The restaurant gathers praise across the country. The Food Network, The Travel Channel, and The Today Show have raved about The Salt Lick's delicious bar-b-que.

  2. Looks YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY by the way.

  3. well aren't you the best helper ever?!
