Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Veterans Day Poem

I asked my good friend Reggie Nelson-Farris to step in on this special day and create a poem honoring our Veterans.  She truly has outdone herself. 

reggie and justin

Reggie and her son Justin

And to my parents, Frank and Carole, my younger son Nicholas and to the many military friends I have made over the years, please know that we are deeply and sincerely grateful for your service. 


My Dad, Nicholas and my Mom

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Now, onto the wonderful verses created by Reggie.


I once read a book called A Wrinkle in Time

Perched high in the branches of a tree above

I climbed its limbs with the book in my mouth

Reading quietly, soaking in its love


I went to the library to my favorite section

And chose a book yielding visual bliss

Relaxed in a chair amidst the strangers

I quivered to Ovid’s Metamorphoses


Strolling slowly, I held my love’s hand

As the world around looked on

His strong hand in mine, gently clasped

The power of our energy we drew upon


I went to church to worship freely

And learn about doing unto others

To not be critical, leave judging to Him

And help my sisters and brothers


I went to work and earned an honest living

Paid bills and spent freely, too

Donated to charities and corner panhandlers

Regardless of any breakthrough


I cast my vote on election-day

My voice through bubbles heard

Speaking freely my mind and thoughts

Up to me, to what degree censored


Of many things I’m free to choose

My clothes, my books, my mate

The words from feelings I convert

In poems I create


So, on this day I remember more

Than just the challenges tackled

I remember those who fought and died

And, from bondage, keep us unshackled


I think of those who were left behind

When tragedy had its way

And of those who are with us still

On this, your special day


I salute you and your families

For all you have endured

I thank you for your precious gift

Freedom your sacrifice insured


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