Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday - National High Five Day

I've posted a blog about my Theory of the High Five last year but today I came across a post on facebook.  Today is apparently National High Five Day!  What??!!  How could this have happened without my knowledge or consent much less without giving me some sort of notice so that I could plan a proper celebration?  I had to sit down and take several deep breaths in an effort to calm myself.  ::sigh::  So after I got over the sadness I managed to read up a little bit on what National High Five Day is all about.

I copied this from the history of National High Five Day: 


Year 1, Thursday, Apr. 18, 2002 –

National High Five Day began at the University of Virginia in 2002, when three friends decided to form their own holiday.  More accurately, it began late the next afternoon, when the three friends woke up, remembered that they had decided to form their own holiday, and decided to actually do it. 

The idea was simple: that you could better someone's day by getting out in your community and offering strangers high fives. Setting up temporary headquarters in the center of UVA’s campus, the friends were surprised by the outpouring of goodwill and enthusiasm that was generated by the simple act of offering a stranger a high five.

Since the inception of National High Five Day they've also begun a scholarship program to help a high school student attend college.  Because there was a donation involved I decided to make this my Thankful Thursday post for the week.  If you'd like to donate please CLICK HERE!!! Today is a great day to make a difference.

I would be remiss if I didn't share with y'all my love for the number 5 so please CLICK HERE! to read all about it.  And of course I do have a Theory of the H!GH 5 and I'm sure after reading it you will definitely be inclined to give more H!GH 5's!  They change lives....


An outline of my son's hand on June 17, 1991.  My how time flies.

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