Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Theory of the High Five

A high five is a gesture of greeting or elation.  Put simply it is one person's upraised palm slapping the upraised palm of another person.

My theory, or to be more accurate my oldest son's theory that I've adopted as my own, is that NO ONE can resist a High 5.

Trust me on this.  Or better yet, test the theory if you'd like.  Next time you're in the grocery store, gas station, or library - anywhere really - as you are walking toward someone raise your hand to give them a High 5.  Now they may look at you a little strangely but it's an almost subconscious reflex for them to raise their hand to return the High 5.  

I've personally tested the theory in random places.  It has always worked.  Here are some of my favorite High 5 pics. 

homecoming and fair day 2009 065 homecoming and fair day 2009 066 sd jan 2010 223 sd jan 2010 227 sd jan 2010 280 sd jan 2010 282

Giving someone a High 5 immediately puts a bounce in their step and a smile on their face.  It's energizing.  Since it's generally done as a greeting or when celebrating something people's moods are lifted, especially when it's random. 

Try it.  You'll like it.  I know you want to.  Heck, you know you want to.

Here's a video from Improv Everywhere that shows an awesome High 5 experience.

Now it's your turn to tell me about your random High 5 experience....


  1. you know...I think that Jerry Seinfeld ruined the high 5 for a bunch of people (not me) with his episode about it....

    I am glad that you are bringing five back!

  2. no one can resist a high new blog!

  3. I'm definitely a HIGH 5 fan....Jerry may have tried to ruin it but you can't keep a good a good high 5 down. Not cosmically possible.
