Sunday, October 24, 2010

Darth Vader Bathrooms

....and things I reaffirm about myself when using public restrooms. 

What is a Darth Vader bathroom you might ask?  It's one where you walk in and the smell is overwhelming that you have to put your hands over your mouth and nose.  You have to breathe through your mouth and if you have to speak you sound like Darth Vader.  You know what I'm talking about. 

Because I travel often and even when I'm just out and about I have the necessity to visit restrooms on a regular basis.  I have reaffirmed a couple of things about myself.

I do not like auto flush toilets.  Quite frankly they scare me because I have a slight fear of being sucked in.  Trust me, I know it's an irrational and subconscious fear but hey, it crosses my mind.  I prefer to be in control of the flushing process so I can open the door and flush with my foot.  It's just how I like it.

bathroom 046

I also don't like wearing capri pants when using a public restroom.  That may seem random but stay with me on this one.  When you go to the restroom you lower your pants and the bottom of my capris nearly touch the floor.  When you're finished and you pull up your pants the bottoms of those said pants are now mid-calf.  Touching my exposed leg.  After it's touched the ground.  And who knows what nastiness is on that ground.  And don't even mention if the floor is wet or even moist looking.  Kind of grosses me out and I'm not even a germ-a-phobic.  But I still wear my capris. 

But most of all I dislike Darth Vader bathrooms.  How about you?  Ever been in a Darth Vader bathroom?  Ever been scared by the auto flush toilets?  Ever been grossed out because your capris touched the floor?


  1. This is so funny...and so true. I especially like the part where you like to flush with your foot! I always wondered if I was the only one who even thought about that! There's also other reasons I don't like the auto flush, but I'll save that for when I get up enough nerve to write it on a blog! So funny and so true. I will never look at capris the same when I'm going to a public restroom! Thanks for the info!

  2. :) Thanks for stopping by and I can't wait until you start a blog. I'll be sure and follow you!

  3. Well hello cool pictures! I just checked out your site and you indeed have cool pictures! I'm following you now...looking forward to browsing through all the pics. :)
