Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Liquid High Five

Grab a cup of coffee and take a break while you read my post. 

I came across this opportunity to buy a cup of coffee for a soldier.  Now I myself am not a coffee drinker but I have a lot of friends who are and I thought I'd do my part to get the word out in case others wanted to participate. 

It's very simple really.  Just click this link - A Cup of Joe for a Joe.


Step 1 - Choose your gift.  You can provide a different soldier with a cup of coffee with each $2 you spend.  Pretty reasonable I'd say.

Step 2 - Write a message.  There's a simple form provided to be able to write a message of support to the lucky troops that receive your gift. 

Step 3 - Enter your payment information.  It's safe, simple and secure so no worries!

Step 4 - They'll deliver your gift.  Green Beans Coffee will deliver your gift and message.  They also give the soldier a chance to respond and the awesome news is most of them do!

Step 5 - Okay there's no official Step 5 but I thought I'd add that this is a cool and easy way to show your support.  All it takes is a small donation and you'll put a smile on someone's face.  Kind of like a liquid H!GH 5!  Haha!!  How awesome is that?!?!

Because my favorite # is 5 (and if you want to know why CLICK HERE) I chose to buy 5 cups of coffee.  Even though I was not expecting any responses....okay I was hoping but not expecting....I've already received a thank you from two soldiers!  How cool is that? 

Many of you reading this LOVE your coffee.  You can't get your day started without it.  Puts some pep in your step and gets your day off to a great start.  Wouldn't you like to share that feeling with a soldier?  You can you know....you just need to click the link.  :)  I'll even make it easy for you - click here to send a Cup of Joe for a Joe and give a soldier a liquid high 5!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE It!!!!! My kids work at Starbucks and some of the stores collected the Via instant coffees to send to the soldiers. This I think is a great program as well!!!!!
