Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Trip To El Paso

I nearly always take a picture of what I eat when I am on a trip.  I am not completely sure why.  Perhaps a subconscious fixation with food? 

Here is what I had on the way to El Paso.

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aaahhhhhh ~ coke with no ice of course.  It would have been better with an actual snack but I'm not complaining.  Well I guess I kind of am but I don't mean to.

We arrived at El Paso.  I felt welcomed.

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Due to the flight delays mentioned in my Not So Mysterious Disappearance post that detailed me losing my Nancy Drew book, we arrived after lunch.  My brother and I hadn't eaten and we were starving!! 

We decided to stop and eat at El Taco Tote.  We'd eaten there before and it's mighty tasty.

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After our tummies were filled we headed to the house to visit.

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Dad, Mom, Aunt Belia and Gramma

After my Grampa's funeral service we went with my cousins to eat at Barrigas.  We were at the Sunland Park location that is right near the mall.  They had a big screen tv and they were showing a concert by Vicente Fernandez who just so happens to be one of my favorite Mexican singers. 

Here is Mom enjoying her decaf coffee at Barrigas.

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There's my cousin Gabriel on the left, my Mom in the middle enjoying her decaf coffee and part of my sister on the right.  We had such a good time!

The next morning it was breakfast time. 

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Now that we were fed it was time to head to the airport and back home. 

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Notice the Christmas decorations?  Either they're STILL up or they are just getting a head start for 2010.

At the airport there was a map and here's a pic of me pointing to where my Dad is from in Chihuahua.

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Now on the way home guess what I had.....

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My favorite - coke with no ice.

Now remember earlier in this post I mentioned we had eaten at El Taco Tote?  Yeah well my Mom had an extra burrito leftover from that lunch and she put it in her tote bag.  ~~haha!  I just realized she put a Taco Tote burrito in her tote bag....okay that was funnier in my head~~


My Mom managed to carry it ALL the way through security and home to Dallas.  What the heck?

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