Saturday, January 2, 2010

Resolutions or solutions?

When the New Year rolls around everyone tends to have a reflective nature about themselves.  How do we assess and summarize the past year?  What is it that we want to accomplish for the coming year?

I have no idea what I would like to list as my resolution(s) for 2010.  Well actually I do.  I would like to generate a list that's thought provoking and inspiring to others.  A list that is committed to self-improvement and making a positive impact on others around me.  A list that includes things that are fun and enjoyable and expand my horizons.  One that creates more memories and opportunities to embrace life.  But I also need the list to be somewhat measurable and reasonably attainable.  What to do?

So as I sit and ponder what to put on the list I find that it's also a time of self analyzation.  Why is losing weight always on my list and how will this year be different from all the others?  Keeping my closets clean...really?  This is going to make it to the list again?  Did I ever attain that goal in the first place? 

Are these resolutions or really solutions to issues?  I found on that a resolution is the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc. whereas a solution is the act of solving a problem, question, etc.  Does the resolution lead to a solution? 

So this weekend I will be trying to come up with a list of things that I would like to see happen this year.  The list will range from the mundane like cleaning my closets to more adventurous ones such as trying at least one new restaurant a month.  Maybe it'll include something inspiring like becoming more involved in supporting our troops or just something fun like learning how to knit? 

Something to think about.  And now I challenge you...

What will your resolutions/solutions for 2010 be? 

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  1. I was thinking tonight and I may try and give to one charity a month. I also teach a class at our church for confirmation.

    Then there is the Disney-Give a Day; Get a Disney Day. Here's the link:

  2. The charity thing is a great idea. And of course giving could be more than just monetary - it could be time or perhaps after I've purged some of my closets I could donate the unwanted items I'm sure to uncover. :) You've got me thinking some more! Thanks!!
