Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Scenic View

Before we reached the turn that would take us to Thunderhead Falls.  Nick took a quick detour so he could show us a spot he discovered while hiking.

We did what some I'm sure would consider an easy hike up part of a mountain.  For us (and I think me in particular) it was a bit tougher and I'm blaming it primarily on the altitude and the fact that I hadn't aclimated yet.  Nick claims not to believe in acclimation and to that I say bah! 

The hike was nice.  We heard the wind rustling through the trees and smelled the clean fresh pine scented air.  Only a couple of times did I wonder if we'd come across a mountain lion, a bear or some other wild animal but the only thing we saw was forest.

Anyway if I hadn't hiked with everyone else I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the spectacular view.  The pictures we took in no way do justice to the awesome scenery that was laid out before us.  It was breathtakingly gorgeous. 

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Now let me pause just a moment to say I am not a big fan of heights.  It would be more accurate to say I am not a fan of abrupt drop offs.  When I think about it logically I of course realize it's a relatively flat surface and unless a bizarre gust of wind came along I was in no real danger of falling off.  I couldn't get my mind to accept that so I stayed back just a bit.  Everyone else was very encouraging (heck, even my Mom went on the rock) but I let them enjoy it.  Here are some pics that again, in no way capture the sheer natural beauty of it all. 

Here we are hiking up.  Well you can see Nick and M hiking up.  I'm huffing and puffing behind them.

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Nick and my Dad living life on the edge.

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Here's a gorgeous house nestled among the trees.

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So thank you to my son Nick for taking us to see an amazing scenic view.  We won't soon forget it.

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