Sunday, June 20, 2010

Caffeine Free Coffee

On Sunday morning we went out to eat breakfast.  There was nothing out of the ordinary about that until it was time to place our drink order.  My Mom requested "caffeine free coffee".  Now why she phrased it that way is still a mystery but that's not the funny part of the story.  The waitress looks at my Mom and says, "I'm not sure if we have that but we do have decaf."  Bwaahaahaa!!!!

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For all you foodie fans out there here's what I had to eat.

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One of the things I notice when I'm out and about is feet.  I have a thing abut feet but that's a story for another time.  Sometimes I don't understand footwear choices. 

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Just more fun times with family.

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1 comment:

  1. I see lots of 'interesting' shoes at the hospital.

    I can't stand those Crocs!

    And, I need my coffee with caffeine! That caffeine free coffee isn't for me! Love that phrase though.
