Sunday, June 13, 2010

Your Bucket List

I was browsing through blogs one night and I came across someone's blog called "My New Thing To Do" and at the bottom was her bucket list.  So what is a bucket list?  It's basically a list of things to do before you die. 

Now on her bucket list she had various items:  write a book, take some classes etc.  Included on there were some places she wanted to visit.  One of them was Mt. Rushmore.  That was on someone's bucket list? 

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I've been there!  I felt totally cool that I had already visited somewhere that someone else really wanted to visit. 

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What's on your bucket list? 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for coming by to visit. I have not been blogging much lately, but have sure enjoyed connecting with new friends via the blog. As a retired police officer I wanted to share stories about my carrer, as a new photographer I wanted to share my photos and as a parent I wanted an outlet to just talk to others.
    I am jealous that you have in fact been somewhere that I can't wait to go visit. We are going to Mt Rushmore ...someday, hopefully before I die!!!! I better get a move on it, time's a wasting.
    Thanks for coming by.
