Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fiesta Dinner

After getting back from an incredible time at the coast, Gina, M and I decided to go out to eat.  Well, really we didn't have much choice since there wasn't anything to eat at the house besides "several days" old Chinese food and leftover pizza. 

So off we went intending to find a great Mexican restaurant in Pasco.  Now on our phones we have a GPS feature that sometimes works awesome and sometimes doesn't work so well.  I'll let you guess how it worked that evening.

We agree on a restaurant and M puts it in his GPS.  We start on our journey and become somewhat concerned as we pass all the restaurants and appear to be leaving the city and heading toward farmland.

M is confident we're heading in the right direction.  Gina is not.  She commented several times that she would have already turned around by then.  My auto response was that I believed in M and was leading us in the right direction.  My faith was misplaced.

We were in the middle of farmland.  We were jokingly saying to each other that instead of directing us to Fiesta the restaurant perhaps the GPS was just leading us to a fiesta on someone's farm.  We weren't sure about that but we were sure that we were hungry.

Finally we arrived at Fiesta the restaurant.

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A cool thing about this restaurant is that they have a salsa bar where you can try all kinds of salsa.  I forgot to get a pic but here are a couple that I tried with some fresh homemade tortillas.

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We enjoyed a delicious dinner and headed back to the house.

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Only 3 more days until the wedding!!

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